Wednesday 26 March 2008

Interview with Felicity Jordon

Felicity Jordon
Home and Children’s
Floor Manager
House of Fraser, Belfast

My perfect restaurant...
Any Italian. Villa Italia is a beautiful restaurant but my husband’s braised Italian meatballs are hard to beat.

My perfect cd...
Robbie Williams: Swing When You’re Winning.

My perfect book...
Jane Eyre - The first book to make me cry!

My perfect movie...
Definitely Dirty Dancing. I’ve watched it over and over and never tire of it!

MY PERFECT quotation...
‘If you always do what you’ve always done - you always get what you’ve always got!’

My perfect play...
Billy Elliot in London. It made me laugh and cry at the same time!

Drinks with friends followed by a
good boogie!

MY PERFECT celebrity to date...
Strangely, Jack Nicholson. There’s something attractive about his voice.
MY PERFECT item of jewellery...
My six stone ring given to me by a special friend on a special birthday!

MY PERFECT beauty treatment...
I’ve promised myself a Turkish bath on holiday this year. Rumour has it, it really boosts your tan.
MY PERFECT accessory...
My watch. I’m useless without it!

MY PERFECT outfit...
Anything black! It hides a multitude!

MY PERFECT holiday...
I’m planning to travel to Turkey by motorbike in a couple of years’ time with my husband.

MY PERFECT weekend break...
A group of friends and I spent a weekend in Edinburgh - great craic!

Anything is better than my beat-up Fiesta!

MY PERFECT Shopping Destination...
House of Fraser with its perfect mix of designer labels and own brands - it has something for everyone!

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